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Darum sind frisch gebackene Mütter immer müde…

Frau stellt ehrlichen Zusammenschnitts einer durchschnittlichen Nacht ins Netz

Eine junge Mutter landete einen viralen Hit auf YouTube. Die dreifach-Mutter Melanie Darnell lud einen Videozusammenschnitt einer typischen Nacht von sich hoch. Dabei montierte sie eine Kamera über ihrem Bett, die sie die gesamte Nacht durch filmte.

Wer sich den Zusammenschnitt bis zu Ende ansieht, weiss, warum junge Mütter immer müde sind. Permanent wird Darnell von ihren Kindern geweckt. Frühmorgens krabbelt beispielsweise ihr Jüngster, Baby Milo, munter im Bett herum und sucht die Nähe zu seiner Mutter. Das Video fand viel Anklang: Mütter aus aller Welt bedankten sich für die ehrliche Darstellung des Mutterdaseins.

Auch auf Instagram ist die Kalifornierin, die sich „firmomma4three“ nennt, ein Star:

Transformation Tuesday… can you believe these photos are less than a year apart?!? These years of babies, sleepless nights, defiant toddlers, endless hugs and ‘pick up me’ go by so quickly and if we aren’t careful we can truly miss it. I want to discuss mindfulness and how I’m consciously bringing that into my day. Frequently, I catch myself operating on autopilot moving through the motions with the next task in mind. Sometimes I go to bed without being able to recall what the kids were dressed in during the day. . After hearing ‘mindfulness’ talked about on the @liveplanted podcast and then as the universe would have it seeing it front and center everywhere (seriously title of lead article in magazine during grocery checkout.. ‘how to be more mindful’) got me thinking about it and wanting me to make a daily habit of it. ☀️ For me I am able to initiate mindfulness when I step outside. I stop even just for 2 seconds and register what the sun or crisp air feels on my skin, the sounds I hear, the smells in the air. Seriously, stepping outside resets something in me, it allows me a few seconds to be 💯 in the present. Then I move on, grab the mail, walk to my car, head to the park, work, etc. But those moments create a spiral, having that one conscience moment of ‘mindfulness’ makes me more present throughout my day. And on those day I can tell you in detail what my kids wore 👗👖👕. I am appreciating those moments because looking at these 2 pictures only 11 months apart, to see and know how much the kids have grown and changed in such a small time period… I want to be present… I don’t this time to go by like the car ride to work ‘wait how did I get here’ 🤷🏻‍♀️ I want to remember their favorite outfits, the frustrating parts of the day, and the extra hugs. Because oh too soon they will be very different people. . #mindfulness #transformationtuesday #postpartum @postpartum #pieparenting #gentleparenting #positiveparenting #attachmentparenting #mombloggers #happymommy #mommylife #lovebaby #mommylovesyou #mommysbaby #motherandbaby #instamama #mamasbaby #motherson #ig_motherhood #mommyhood #littlefamily #mumlife #familytime #childcareprovider #mum #parents

A post shared by Melanie Darnell (@fitmomma4three) on

Quelle: YouTube/Instagram

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